Botley Pilates

Seacourt Hall

We run mixed ability pilates classes in Seacourt hall on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 and 8.30pm. This new hall is a community venue which is spacious and light. The Main Hall is 125 square metres with a sprung wooden floor, perfect for mat based pilates classes.

Our specialist 'Osteo' pilates classes run from this venue on Wednesday mornings at 10 and 11am and on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm. These classes are perfect for anyone diagnosed with Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Osteoarthritis or any other bone and joint condition which may cause pain or dysfunction. Feel free to get in touch if you are worried about joining a pilates class, we can arrange one to one sessions before you join to show you how to exercise safely but effectively to improve bone density, joint mobility and muscle strength. These classes will improve balance and co-ordination and help to prevent falls.

Seacourt Hall is on Church way, next to Botley library and opposite tesco express. There is plenty of parking in the car park behind the hall but please be aware this is only free for the first 2 hours. If you are planning on parking for longer and have coffee after the class then you need to pay at the pay and display machine. The hall is located just a short walk from the bus stop opposite elms parade of shops on Botley road and there are frequent buses from Oxford along the London Road.

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Copyright © 2012 OxPhysio. All rights reserved.
OxPhysio is an Advanced Physiotherapy practice based in Oxford, England. Our Physiotherapy treatment rooms can be found in Summertown, Marston and Botley. We are also happy to organise a home visit. Pilates Classes are based in Headington, Risinghurst and Botley. Please address any communications to OxPhysio - Advanced Physiotherapy Service, within Ferry Leisure Centre, Diamond Place, Summertown, Oxford. OX2 7DP.